Snap Business Tools Terms
Effective: 1 November 2021
These Snap Business Tools Terms (“Terms”) form a legally binding contract between you and Snap, are incorporated into the Snap Developer Terms, and govern the use of the Business Services to access and use Snap’s Business Tools (as defined below). Some terms used in these Terms are defined in the Snap Developer Terms or Business Services Terms.
Snap makes available certain business tools such as API(s), software, software development kits, code, keys, any credentials assigned to you and your application by Snap, and other developer products and services (“Business Tools”) to enable you to access and use certain Business Services, such as Snap’s ad platform, targeting and measurement tools (including Snap’s conversion and audience match programs), audience network, and merchant services, and any products or services provided by a third party in connection with the Business Services.
While these Terms apply to your use of Business Tools to access or obtain those Business Services or third party products or services, each of the Business Services may be governed by Supplemental Terms and Policies, as further described in the Business Services Terms, and your use of products or services provided by a third party in connection with the Business Services is subject to the third-party’s terms.
For purposes of clarity, all data, including personal data, provided to Snap via the Business Tools in connection with Snap’s conversion program, Snap’s audience match program, and Snap’s merchant services are governed, respectively, by the Snap Conversion Terms, Snap Audience Match Terms, and Snap Merchant Terms and the provisions set forth in those terms supersede any contrary provisions in these Terms and the Snap Developer Terms.
If authorized by Snap, you can use Business Tools to provide advertisers, developers, merchants, and other entities that have a contractual relationship with Snap (“Customers”) access to Business Services through your Application. When using the Business Tools for this purpose, you: (a) will comply with the application requirements made available to you by Snap; (b) will use commercially reasonable efforts to market and distribute the Application to current and potential Customers in accordance with Snap’s instructions; (c) will obtain Snap’s prior written approval (which Snap may grant or withhold in its sole discretion) of all aspects of the Application, including the user interface and the metrics displayed to Customers prior to the Application being made available to Customers, and each material change thereafter to the Application; (d) will accurately disclose to Customers metrics and other data relating to a Customer’s use of the Business Services, including the amount that was spent via the Business Services separate from any of your fees, and acknowledge that if requested by a Customer, Snap may disclose the amounts that were spent via the Business Services; (e) will make available to Snap an account on the Application for the purpose of enabling Snap to verify your compliance with these Terms; (f) will have entered into a legally binding agreement with each Customer to whom you grant any rights to use your Application, and each agreement will, at a minimum, require the Customer to comply with Applicable Law, these Terms, and any applicable Supplemental Terms and Policies; (g) will provide Customers using the Application with a level of service and customer support in accordance with highest industry standards and any go-to-market plan mutually agreed on between you and Snap, and answer any inquiries or support questions received and redirected by Snap to you; and (h) may not use Business Services Data for your benefit or the benefit of any party other than the Customer to whom the Business Services Data relates in order to provide that Customer access to the Business Services, including in an aggregated manner in order to provide modeling and metrics to that Customer and, if that Customer is a Snap advertiser, to create audiences solely for that Customer to access the Business Services.
If you receive or otherwise access any personal data via the Business Services, the Snap Controller Data Processing Agreement applies.
In addition to the security obligations under the Snap Developer Terms, you must provide Snap with immediate written notice of each incident that results in unauthorized use, disclosure, or loss of any Business Services Data (“Security Incident”). You will keep Snap informed of, and cooperate with Snap in connection with, your investigation and remediation of any Security Incident. You will not contact or notify Snap users or make any public announcement about a Security Incident without Snap’s prior written approval, unless you are required to do so under Applicable Law.
You will retain Business Services Data for only as long as you have a legitimate business need to retain it. However, under no circumstance will you retain Business Services Data for longer than thirty-six months, or as otherwise provided in the documentation or any Supplemental Terms and Policies.
These Terms set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and Snap with respect to the Business Tools, and supersede all other agreements between you and Snap regarding the Business Tools.