Snap Political & Advocacy Advertising Policies

Træder i kraft: 15. maj 2019

Snapchat empowers self-expression, including about politics. But political advertising that appears on Snapchat has to be transparent, lawful, and right for our users.

Kort sagt

Denne Politik for politiske annoncer gælder for alle politiske annoncer, der leveres af Snap, inklusive valgrelaterede annoncer, støtteannoncer og sagsannoncer.

  • Valgrelaterede annoncer inkluderer annoncer om opstillede kandidater og partier, afstemningspunkter eller folkeafstemninger, handlingsudvalg og annoncer, som opfordrer folk til at stemme.

  • Issue or advocacy ads are ads concerning issues or organizations that are the subject of debate on a local, national, or global level, or of public importance. They include ads about abortion, immigration, the environment, education, discrimination, and guns.

Political advertising must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including all national election laws, copyright law, defamation law, and (where applicable) Federal Election Commission regulations and state or local laws and regulations. Complying with those laws and regulations will be the sole responsibility of the advertiser.

All political advertising must include a “paid for by” message in the ad that is followed by the name of the paying person or entity. Snap may also require a “paid for by” disclosure on ad content that links to political content, ad content for political merchandise, or in other cases in Snap’s sole discretion. In the United States, electoral ads must state whether or not the ad was authorized by a candidate or organization, and election ads not authorized by the candidate must include contact information for the sponsoring organization.

  • Intet indhold, der chikanerer, skræmmer eller truer.

  • Intet indhold, der er misledende, bedragerisk, parodierer personer eller organisation eller på anden måde giver urigtige oplysninger om din tilknytning til en person eller organisation.

  • Intet indhold, der overtræder rettigheder til offentliggørelse, privatlivets fred, ophavsret eller andre intellektuelle ejendom tilhørende en tredjepart.

  • Intet indhold, der viser udpenslet vold.

We encourage political advertisers to be positive. But we don't categorically ban “attack” ads; expressing disagreement with or campaigning against a candidate or party is generally permissible if it meets our other guidelines. That said, political ads must not include attacks relating to a candidate's personal life.

Snaps rettigheder

Snap gennemgår hver enkelt annonce særskilt.

We reserve the right to reject in our sole discretion, or request modifications to, ads that we believe violate the standards listed above or that are otherwise inappropriate. Our discretion will never be exercised with the intent to favor or disfavor any candidate, political view, or political party.

Vi forbeholder os også retten til at kræve dokumentation for en annoncørs faktiske påstande.

Snap har tilladelse til offentligt at fremvise eller på anden måde dele information om politiske annoncer, inklusive annonceindhold, målretningsoplysninger, levering, omkostninger og andre kampagneinformationer.

Politiske annoncer fra ikke-bosiddende udenlandske statsborgere eller organisationer.

Politiske annoncer, der vises af Snap, må ikke være betalt direkte eller indirekte af ikke-bosiddende udenlandske statsborgere eller virksomheder – med andre ord af personer eller organisationer, der ikke er hjemmehørende i det land, hvor annoncen skal køre.